wild wood

wild wood

Saturday 31 October 2015

a wild boar a cat and a dog

 a boar with a long snout
un sanglier avec un long museau
 did the cat cross on the plank?
est ce que le chat a traverser par la planche?

 weve had some rain
un peu de la pluie

Friday 30 October 2015

leaping cat and marten, the jay as well

 the cat was leaping again maybe I should reposition the plank
le chat était obliger de sauter encore

 the marten allways leaps
la matre saute chaque fois

 the jay looking for acorns
le geaie a la recherche de glands
 a gleaming eye and an animal lying down 
un oeil qui brille et un animal qui dort

Thursday 29 October 2015

Wednesday 28 October 2015

jumping cat

 this cat is doing an impersonation of the pine marten
le chat se comporte ccomme la martre

 falling leaves
les feuilles tombes

Tuesday 27 October 2015

the birds

 only birds on the cameras jay and a pair of blackbirds
seulement le geaie et une paire de merles sur les cameras

Monday 26 October 2015

several wild boar and a marten

 this boar has seen the camera
ce sanglier a vu le camera

 several boar including a striped young one passed the top camera
plusier sangliers y compris un jeune tacheté ont passé devant le camera le plus haut

 the marten
la martre